Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday's Thankful List

1. The gorgeous blue of the fall sky. It is a crisp, clear day here in Southern Illinois and while the gorgeously colored leaves are, for the most part, no longer on the trees the blue sky remains. I've heard this sky called "Octember" Blue and I agree. This specific blue color is only seen for a few weeks a year, and it is now. I'm not much of a blue person (I'm more a red girl), but this is by far my favorite blue. :) Thanks, God, for allowing me to see it today of all days.
2. The reminder from the book of Daniel that the way to meet the impossible task is to 1. pray fervently, 2. ask your faithful friends to pray fervently as well, and 3. wait on God's answer.
3. My new nephew, Finnegan Michael Gunther, born today. We now have 9 boys on my side and 5 on Clinton's. Maybe we'll have granddaughters... :)
4. All of the blessings and birthday wishes I've received.
5. My health and the health of my family.
6. My cousin, Susan, who inspired me to start this list.
Okay, so that's 6 and I'm only committed to posting 5. Get over it. ;)
Tomorrow we're off to see my family for Thanksgiving (unfortunately not baby Finn) so I'm finished with this list, for now. I do reserve the right to resume boring you to death with my blessings at some random time in the future. And I challenge you to remember, this Thanksgiving, where it is that "every good and perfect gift" comes from. I pray that you will grow in gratitude to Him as I have done over these past days. The Creator of the Universe Is My Best Friend. I pray He becomes yours as well. Blessings on you, my darling friends. :)

1 comment:

  1. Debbie, you are such a delight! You will probably have a house full of granddaughters! Of course, the daughters-in-law will fill your life with joy, too! Our first 'son' came in at a whopping 6'4" and 190 lbs!!!--He is a gift from God!
    Thanks for the commnents...thanks for the hug! You should consider yourself hugged back!
