Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, Nov 18 -- 5 good things about today

Here is the list as promised:
1. I had lunch with my darling friend, Pat. Nathan was charming and sat in the high chair the ENTIRE time which is nearly unheard of, so we got to talk the whole time and I got to eat my whole meal hot which is also nearly unheard of.
2. I'm feeling pretty good about the progress of my contributions to our church's "Christmas program." Can't call it a play, not exactly a musical, kind of a spectacle, definitely an event...
3. I was not ridiculously late for anything.
4. We had gorgeous sunshine.
5. This day is nearly over!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited your doing this too!! It definitely makes me have a better appreciation for the small things in my life! Can't wait for the days to come!!
