Monday, November 24, 2008

What I'm Thankful For on Monday

1. The sound of Clinton playing his guitar.
2. Got some Christmas shopping done today. Still have a looooooong way to go...
3. Internet shopping! When you live in a rural area and have to drive an hour and a half in any direction to shop... how did I ever do this before? And a shout out for free shipping!
4. The dual-control electric blanket we use as a mattress pad. This is without a doubt one of the top 3 presents I've ever received, and Clinton got it for me for my birthday years and years ago. Now, he is not allowed to buy me anything for a present that has a cord unless I specifically ask for it, but this was a stroke of genius on his part. AND he stripped the bed, put it on and remade the bed so well that I never noticed. I never knew he was capable of making a bed. :)
5. Hot showers with good water pressure. On the eighth day God created the shower (that's the gospel according to Clinton). :)

1 comment:

  1. I love internet shopping!! It is so efficient. We also have the dual heated mattress pad and it is a winner around here! Hayden plays the guitar too and I love hearing it- especially the acoustic! Have a great Thanksgiving and I'm dying to hear if you'll be having a new little niece or nephew!
