Friday, November 14, 2008

A good hair day is not a good thing

It's official. No one is going to see me today. Of course, the only place I'll probably be going is Walmart, but nonetheless, I will see no one there that I know. How can that be, you ask, as I live in a town of a mere 5,000 people, and everyone knows everyone, and I've lived here long enough to know (or at least know OF) nearly everyone, and it's payday so everyone will be at Walmart sooner or later?
The plain and simple answer is: I am having a great hair day. No trouble with the flat iron this morning, no hairs sticking up in embarrasing places, even the humidity has left my 'coif unaffected. A good hair day is Murphy's Law's way of telling me not to expect any socializing with anyone over the age of 10 today. So, I guess I'll just have to hope to see you on Saturday...

1 comment:

  1. That is sooo true!! Enjoy your trip to Wal-mart. I'm headed out to Costco myself! We just got a Target here a few weeks ago and I've been trying to restrain myself!!
