Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father Knows Best

Currently I am juggling two big (for me) writing projects.  First of all I am working on my first film for Talk Your Legg Off Productions. (http://talkyourleggoff.com)  Secondly I am co-writing our church's Christmas program.  I've been plugging away at them for some time now, but recently I had another idea for Talk Your Legg Off.  It's a speech I've had in my head for a few years now but haven't had the occasion (okay, the deadline) to sit down and put it all together.

I've wondered for a few weeks about slipping this speech in as my first official TYLO project.  It would be easier on all counts -- to write, to film, to edit, to post.  It's a speech, right?  How hard could that be to film and edit?  The more I thought about it, the more I liked it.  That would be an excellent way to get my feet wet and get myself  "out there" in preparation for the bigger idea.  This all made a lot of sense to me.

However, it's been my experience that whatever path makes the most common sense is usually the least likely to be the path God wants.     

Earlier in the week I had agreed to come up with a name for the main character for the Christmas program.  While going through my book one name struck me more than any other -- Amos.  I knew I was supposed to use the name Amos, although as a first or last name I didn't know. I finally settled on Amos Duke.  Amos means "burden" and Duke means "leader."  A burdened leader is exactly who this character is, and so I intended to see what Jeff and Tom thought about it, although I hadn't quite made it that far yet.  

Saturday afternoon I got pretty discouraged about the film when I realized my software wasn't going to do all I needed it to do.  This means I've got to research other software, be sure my computer will handle it, make sure it's compatible with my camera, make sure it does all the things I may ever need it to do, etc and so on. 

This is less than an exciting prospect.  Did I ever mention to you that I am completely a techno-idiot?   I don't KNOW what I need, and I don't know enough to know what I need to know but don't know.  UGH!  I'd rather go to the dentist than try to figure all this out.  Too much for my little brain to handle.  Total overwhelm.  Hyperventilation hadn't started yet but I could feel the panic rising.

Deep down I suspected that my desire to stick this speech into my schedule was my own way of (not) dealing with my technology issues.  "This will be easy to do, and when I accomplish this I'll feel better about myself and then I'll be able to tackle the film."  Makes sense, right?   Right!  Someone explain that to God for me, please.

Saturday night I asked the Lord to provide me with some guidance.  "Lord, if you want me to do the speech first, give me some fresh insights for it."  Then I went to bed, expecting to hear something from the Lord, probably at church the next morning.  

Oftentimes I get ideas during our minister's sermons.  Something he says triggers a thought, which triggers something else.  This sermon was no exception, just not in the way I planned.

Craig started relating a story about when he was in bible college and was visiting a family for supper.  When the meal was over the father got his bible and started to thumb through it.  "I didn't know what was going on there," Craig said.  "Gonna read something from the book of Amos tonight, I don't know."

Wait.  What did he just say?  Of all the things he could have said, he mentioned the name Amos.  In a sermon.  When is the last time you heard the name Amos in a sermon that wasn't based on the book of Amos?  When is the last time you heard a sermon from the book of Amos?  Coincidence?  Nope.  I've been around enough to know that was a God-incidence.  God was confirming to me to hang in there with the Christmas program. Oh, and that I was on the right track with the name.

It wasn't until after church was over that I got confirmation on the TYLO film.  That confirmation was even cooler that the first one, but...I can't tell you about it right now.  If I do, it will give away too much about the the film and it will ruin it for you. 

Believe me, I am DYING to tell you because it is SO COMPLETELY COOL, but rest assured, after the film comes out (whenever that may be) I will share the story.  Hang tight.

The important thing, though, is that I didn't get ANYTHING for the speech.  God was confirming what I secretly suspected all along but wasn't thrilled to hear -- stay with the two big projects I have going and quit messing around with the little stuff.  Maybe later He'll let me film the speech, but for now, let's stick with what we have going already.

And I am completely cool with that.  It took a sermon, and other God-incidences, on Father's Day to remind me that He does, in fact, know best.

PS -- I'm looking into purchasing software similar to what our worship minister uses.  If it's what I need, I'll have my very own live Help Desk.  That is DEFINITELY a good thing.

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