Friday, November 6, 2009

Fit By Forty

It took a while, but it has happened.

In general I am pretty good about watching what I eat.  Lately though I've been watching what I eat go in my mouth, down to my lower half and expanding.  Two weeks ago when I was running late for church I went to put on my favorite khakis and I could not get them on.  

I was HACKED.  At myself.  I knew I'd been really careless and have noticed my pants getting tighter, but this was the first time this fall I'd tried to wear these particular pants.  Apparently I hit the breaking point.  

For those of you who know me, just stop with the "Wah wah wah you're so little you don't have anything to worry about blah blah blah."  Here is the thing:  It doesn't matter what size you are.  If you gain enough weight that you don't fit your clothes,  you have a problem.  And while I do have some yoga pants, I do not want to have to wear them all the time.

I rather like my wardrobe.  It has taken me several years and a substantial investment to build it to this point.  I FLAT OUT REFUSE to let myself go to the point that I have to start over from scratch.  I busted my tail (literally) to get back into my clothes after Nathan was born.  Gaining a few pounds is one thing.  Not fitting your clothes is quite another.

As an added bonus, I will turn the big 4-0 on November 25, the day before Thanksgiving.  

I refuse to feel "fat and forty."  I refuse to have my clothing options limited by my own poor choices and lack of will power.  I refuse to buy another wardrobe.  I refuse to loathe seeing myself in a mirror.  I refuse to be unhealthy.  I refuse to allow the Enemy to have any little niche to poke his nose in and cause me trouble.  I refuse.  I refuse.  I REFUSE!!!

I have just under three weeks to get my rear in gear to meet my goal and fit into my khakis.  This is an attainable goal.  I am working my plan.

And as I know that at the age of forty it gets REALLY hard to keep weight off, I intend to continue to make changes in my lifestyle.  For a while now I have been slowly making small improvements in our eating habits and will continue to do so.  

The biggest obstacle is making exercise a priority.  But, even fifteen minutes a day can help.  As Flylady says, "You can do anything for fifteen minutes."  The near-miraculous transformation of my previously cluttered basement is proof of that.

I intend to have a little less "junk in my trunk" in three weeks.  I intend to wear my khakis to Thanksgiving dinner.

Oh, and uh, I intend to ask you to please pray for me.


  1. Yay Debbie. I took a whole year to lose 50 pounds and I feel the same way. I like my clothes, I feel good. I don't want to go back to an unhealthy lifestyle. Thanks for the encouragement to keep going!

  2. You've inspired me!! I have also found myself eating mindlessly for the last week or so and it definitely affects the spirit! Good luck on your journey:)

  3. Hey, wanna be my accountability partner? I don't run in the winter months, and even though I have been running, I have not been consistent.

    I purchased Gillian Michaels 30 day shred. 20 minutes a day.

    Is there a way we can check in with one another about doing 20 minutes of something a day? Here's my plan:

    M: Shred
    T: Shred
    W: Shred
    Th: Tennis
    F: Shred
    Sa: Run

    As much as that looks like a lot - it's not. It's 20-30 minutes a day, with the exception of tennis that is 1 hour.

    Would you like a partner to check in with? Even a simple email that says, "did it". Just to be accountable to someone. I could use the help myself!
