I believe that women, in general, are pretty good at multi-tasking.
I'm not quite as good at it as some. It seems I can handle several small things at once (I am, after all, a mom), but big projects? One at a time, please.
I finally sent my skit to be edited and I guess my brain decided it needed to take a break. So in place of creatively writing, I've been creatively decluttering.
I don't like a lot of "stuff". Clutter stresses me out. I'm not a collector. My preferred style of decorating is minimalist. Of course, I'm married to a pack rat, so our house is a happy medium.
However, one thing I do seem to collect is information. I am a pack rat of paper. So this week I've done a complete 180 from writing. Rather than create more papers I am flinging paper. Flylady would be proud. I even came prepared with a new box of band-aids on hand for the inevitable paper cuts.
There are several places in my kitchen and office that have become repositories for paper clutter. I want my info close at hand, but then I can't find what I need in the piles, if I remember I have it in the first place. Those places are now either gone or severely edited. Anything I want to save I'm placing in a bin until I get my filing cabinet drawer "flung through" (hopefully next week).
This newly decluttered drawer will be a haven for ideas and other information I find interesting and worth saving. It will be organized. Even if I only have one piece of paper per folder, that paper will have a home in that folder. Hmmmm. I may need to purchase another box of file folders. Or two. Better add that to my shopping list.
You may remember a few weeks back when I posted a picture of my "office space." Here is the before and after:
Some may ask why I didn't start with the file drawer and have it ready before sorting the office and kitchen papers. The answer is that I know myself, and if I can accomplish a few smaller tasks and get them out of the way I am more motivated to tackle the bigger task. Starting with the big task can seem too overwhelming.
I guess I'm proof of the old saying, "You can do it all, you just can't do it all at once."
There must be something in the air...I've been flinging paper recently, as well! Our kitchen 'desk' looks like a desk again...now to get to my office and do the same! Good job, Debbie!!!--And, I love the band-aid idea:D