Monday, January 11, 2010

If I'd write it, maybe you'd read it

Okay, so I haven't posted in a while.  

First of all, it seems that I can't put a decent thought together.  Every idea I get, I hate.  Or I like it in my head but hate it when I see it on the screen.  Or I write it and like it but come back to it later and hate it.  I'm having this problem on everything from emails to this blog to Facebook comments (believe it or not).  Don't even get me started telling you about my children's book, Christmas play or devotions.

On the other hand, I am writing another skit for Oil Belt Christian Service Camp's Ladies' Day (try saying that ten times fast).  For some reason that seems to be working.  When I have a chance to dig in to it.  This isn't a "five minutes here and there" thing for me.  I need blocks of time.  I don't get those much these days.

Maybe God is trying to tell me something, like I shouldn't be messing around with all the other writing right now.  Admittedly, some of it is necessary.  Well, okay, the Facebook stuff is just fun. 

Maybe I should ask my Writing Boss what He would have me write.  And then listen for the answer.  And then go do it.  

If you need me, I'll be on vacation in the Swiss Alps with Sylvia.  At least that's the direction the skit is taking me for now. 

1 comment:

  1. love it, and LOVE the skit...and LOVE that I know're doing great!!! I feel so blessed that you are one of our DIVAS!!!
