Really, it's not the Old Dog that's important so much as the New Trick.
Are ya ready to read it? Are ya sure? Okay. Here is the new trick:
This 41 year old stay-at-home mom, farmer's wife, writer/filmmaker/speaker/kayaker, is going to be a drummer.
No, no, no, there's nothing wrong with your eyesight. You read it correctly. I said I'm going to be a drummer. Yes, like real drums.
Yeah, yeah, okay, fine. You can stop laughing now.
No, seriously. You can stop laughing.
Well, okay, just because you can't stop laughing doesn't make it any less true. [sticks her tongue out in your general direction]

After Clinton got it all set up, Matt picked up the guitar and I sat down at the drums. Before we even began to play the first song I knew it felt like home. I fell in love. There really isn't any other way to describe it.
I've always had a really good sense of rhythm. I think having danced helps, also. In both dance and drumming your arms and legs are doing different things at the same time. I think both activities use the same part of my brain, the one that does its own thing when I let my conscious mind take a back seat and just feel. I'm not saying all dancers can play the drums, but it seems to be working for me.
Somehow, sitting there, I just knew that I could do this. I knew it like I knew my own name. I can still completely recall that feeling. That conviction has never faded.

Those kind of drums are not cheap. He made me swear on my mother's life that I would not ask for another Christmas, birthday or anniversary present for the next eight to ten years. (Okay, not really. I did offer, though. Sorry Mom.)
Thirteen months after my Christmas Lego Rock Band Revelation my drums finally arrived. I sat down with the DVD Clinton got me and learned a few grooves and fills. I've been banging around ever since, playing along with songs on my iPod. On March 31 I will start lessons.
I. Am going. To. ROCK! Whoo-hoo! [commence happy dancing] I'm so excited I can barely stand myself. I am fulfilling a life-long dream I only discovered 15 months ago.
So that's the basic story of how a middle-aged momma is not so quietly transforming into a cool rocker chick.
Okay, okay. I admit it. Now I'm laughing, too. Sheesh, I couldn't even WRITE that last line with a straight face.
It's completely unlikely, isn't it? Unexpected? Darned near inconceivable? I've heard of a dealing with a mid-life crisis before, but discovering a mid-life passion? Really?
And that's what's got me just a little bit bugged about the whole thing.
Why now?
Why am I only just now discovering this enormous side of myself? I mean, I'm 41 for crying out loud. Wouldn't it have been much better to discover this 30 years ago (oh, that makes me feel old)? I might have been REALLY good instead of just potentially kinda good. [cue Marlon Brando] "I could've been a contender."
What could my life have been like had I grown up playing the drums?
I think I have an idea. Knowing myself as I do, I think I would have focused on the drums to the exclusion of everything else. "I'm good at this, I love it, why try anything else?" I wouldn't be writing or speaking or making films. I wouldn't be open to other aspects of myself, other ways to be used of God in my little corner of the world. I'd be a more linear person, to my detriment.
Worse, I think I would have focused on myself to the exclusion of my family. I'd be resentful of farming season and the time commitment involved because it would cut into my practice time. I'd resent living in a small town where there are very few opportunities or venues to play.
I think I'd be much more selfish than I am already.
So maybe God does know something about timing. And about me.
It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. Proverbs 25:2